December Newsletter

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Looking forward to 2023!

The end of the year is drawing near and many of us are starting to think about our New Year resolutions. From being healthier to better budgeting, New Year’s resolutions are a great way to motivate ourselves to make better choices in all aspects of life. For people experiencing GI issues, this could be a perfect time to focus on their gut health so that they can start 2023 feeling their best.

If good gut health is important to you, how about making this your resolution? Many common GI problems can be solved with relatively simple lifestyle and dietary changes such as eating more fiber, drinking more water, and increasing your daily activity. You can make a resolution to complete 12,000 steps a day, eat five servings of vegetables and fruit, or even get a certain amount of sleep per night. Believe it or not, these little changes can lead to big results!

Much of your immunity is stored in your gut so focusing on improving this can also have a direct impact on your overall health and well-being.

Provider Spotlight

Congratulations to Dr. Tsistrakis on his GI Board Certification!

our providers

Patient Education

Trauma and Digestive Health

When many people think about psychological trauma, they immediately think about the impact this can have on someone’s long-term mental health. However, since the brain and the internal organs are in constant communication, psychological trauma can impact much more than that. In fact, trauma has been linked with GI issues such as irritable bowel syndrome which can lead to abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea.

Most people are aware that stress can lead to GI issues that can be alleviated through lifestyle changes. However, traumatic events such as the death of a loved one, going through a divorce, or living in an unstable environment, can have a much longer impact on GI health.

While past trauma can have an impact on gut health, there are things that you can do to help lessen the symptoms such as following a healthy diet, limiting the amount of stress in your life, and maintaining an active lifestyle. It is also important to understand and acknowledge how previous events that you have experienced could be impacting your physical and mental health. Having this awareness can leave you prepared with the knowledge and the tools that you need to overcome the issues that you are facing so you can live a healthier, happier life.

GSG Holiday Celebration

Check out some great photos of the GSG team coming together to celebrate the holidays and give thanks for another excellent year!

Office Updates

Just a reminder, GSG is no longer at the Derry location.

We have opened our temporary clinic right next door to the WorkOut Club in Londonderry for convenient care to our local area patients.

The address is 18 Orchard View Drive, Londonderry, NH. We are adjacent to the Shaw’s Plaza just after the AMC Movie Theater.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions.