Frequently Asked Questions

Colonoscopy Prep FAQ

This page answers questions that patients might have regarding colonoscopy prep diet and other frequently asked questions.

Low Fiber Diet (Low Residue Diet)

Food Group

CAN eat these foods

CANNOT eat these foods

Milk & Dairy

Breads & Grains





Nuts & Seeds

Fats & Oils




Milk & Dairy

CAN eat these foods

CANNOT eat these foods

Breads & Grains

CAN eat these foods

CANNOT eat these foods


CAN eat these foods

CANNOT eat these foods


CAN eat these foods

CANNOT eat these foods


CAN eat these foods

CANNOT eat these foods


CAN eat these foods

CANNOT eat these foods

Nuts & Seeds

CAN eat these foods

CANNOT eat these foods

Fats & Oils

CAN eat these foods

CANNOT eat these foods


CAN eat these foods

CANNOT eat these foods


CAN eat these foods

CANNOT eat these foods


CAN eat these foods

CANNOT eat these foods

Clear Liquid Diet

CAN drink these liquids

CANNOT drink these liquids

Clear Liquids & Limited Light-Color Drinks Only

Clear Liquids & Limited Light-Color Drinks Only

CAN drink these liquids

CANNOT drink these liquids

Other FAQs about Your Colonoscopy or Endoscopy

  • Blood thinners (see below) need to be held prior to procedure (time varies). We will obtain clearance from your prescribing physician for you to hold your blood thinner and will notify you prior to your procedure.
    • Commonly prescribed blood thinners are:
      • Rivaroxaban or Xarelto
      • Dabigatran or Pradaxa
      • Apixaban or Eliquis
      • Edoxaban or Savaysa
      • Warfarin or Coumadin or Jantoven
      • Clopidogrel or Plavix
      • Prasugrel or Effient
      • Ticagelor or Brillinta
      • Aggrenox
  • Phentermine needs to be held for 14 days prior to procedure.
  • Aspirin (81 mg- 325mg) does not need to be held prior to procedure unless specifically directed.
  • Iron and supplements containing iron need to be held for 7 days prior to the procedure.
  • Most patients can use our Standard Miralax Bowel Preparation. Prescription preparations can be sent to your pharmacy of choice upon request and at the discretion of your provider.
  • Our Standard Miralax Bowel Preparation is all available over the counter. We have prep kits available for purchase in our Londonderry office. All materials can also be found in in the digestive health section of your pharmacy.

Plenvu, Suprep, Golytely, and Clenpiq can be sent to your pharmacy at the discretion of your provider. The prescription prep sent is dependent upon your health history and may differ from another patients.

BASC, PMC, CMC, and SCNH do not require COVID tests.

  • All facilities set their own schedule for each procedure day. GSGI will schedule you for a specific date, facility, and provider. Facilities will reach out to you with your check-in time for the procedure.

    • SCNH and PMC will reach out to you 2 business days prior to procedure with your arrival time.

    • BASC and CMC will reach out to you 3 business days prior to your procedure.

  • Our providers have you start a low fiber (low residue) diet several days prior to your procedure to begin reducing residue in your colon and make it easier for you to clean out your bowels. This helps to reduce the likelihood of poor bowel preparation, which could result in your colonoscopy being rescheduled.
  • Our providers have found that by splitting the consumption of your bowel prep into separate days produces a better cleansing result therefore, providing a higher polyp detection.

There is not a specific prep, we suggest that you start the prep earlier and drink it slower.

No, please follow our prep instructions that we have supplied you with. If you do not have these prep instructions, please reach to us at 603-432-8802 to obtain them.

We find that our patients do best with a split prep so unfortunately if you have an early morning procedure it does require you to walk up earlier in the morning.

To avoid any late fees, please be sure to call our office 7 business days prior to your procedure. Fees for cancelling outside of this time frame are $100 for a single procedure and $200 for a double procedure.

This is a diet that you start the week of your procedure. Please see low fiber diet/low residue diet cheat sheet. If you did not receive this outline, please contact our office.

A clear liquid diet starts a day or two prior to procedure. You are only allowed jell-o, popsicles, strained broth, and liquids that you can see through when you pour them out. Black coffee and tea are considered clear liquid.

You cannot drink alcohol the day prior or the day of your procedure. Alcohol is a blood thinner and can cause bleeding issues during your procedure.